How much water is needed for a run?

Are you a new runner? If yes, one of the first things you need is a water bottle.

 But how much water is necessary for let's say a marathon? Or just a short jog?


 Water is essential for life. Without water, we cannot survive for more than a few days. There needs to be enough of it in our system to prevent dehydration. The water we will be discussing today is the soft or hard water you get from the spring or well.

Water is great for the body. But how much is great for a run? How much water do runners need to consume for optimal performance?




Very simple.

 DRINK WHEN YOU'RE THIRSTY, the amount doesn't matter.


Feeling dehydrated or losing water isn't necessarily a bad think during a race, especially in terms of performance.

The +\-2% Body weight rule is not really a rule .

 Some runners have won competitions with a body weight loss of over 9%! 




- Haile Gebrdelassie won 🥇 Dubai 2009 marathon with it a 10% body weight loss after completion. Crazy! But maybe he's just an exception right?


- Well, in 1967, it was reported that the national winner of the England marathon lost 6.9 % of his Body weight. Not only that, the best four of that race lost over 5.5%! (pugh et al.)


- Finally, Zouhal et al. has demonstrated an inverse relationship between % body weight change and finishing time in 643 marathon runners in a 42 km!!


What about Pre-exercise hydration rules?

Pre-exercise rule is self explanatory, ❌don 't be thirsty before the activity. Drink enough not to gain weight and drink according to thirst (ad libitum).


During the run?


During the activity drink if you feel like drinking. Some may suggest
Mouth-rinsing instead of drinking!


There is even evidence to suggest that rinsing with carb does enhance performance during short endurance activities (rollo and williams). 



1)Pre-drink enough before the big run. Not too much to gain weight!


2) Drink when thirsty during the run! Don't overdrink!

 3) Losing more than 2% body weight is OK and can enhance performance. 

4) Enjoy the run! 



- AND NO, drinking hot water does not help with Covid-19. Once the virus is in your system, it is in your system. You will pee more if you drink more water!