What is osteopathy?

Osteopathy is an alternative medicine whose objective is to restore the mobility of the body's structures so that the body regains its harmony. The osteopath uses exclusively manual techniques based on a good knowledge of human anatomy, physiology and biomechanics in order to target the cause of the problem. Thanks to a precise palpation and a global evaluation, this allows him to distinguish various dysfunctions, as much at the osteo-articular, musculo-skeletal, visceral as cranial level.


Who's it for?

The clientele that consults in osteopathy is very varied, from infants to the elderly, pregnant women and athletes. Anyone can consult for any reason.

For what?

Osteopathy does not cure pathologies, but helps to prevent and relieve many of their symptoms.

- Congenital torticoli
- Plagiocephaly (flat head)
- Digestive disorders (reflux, colic, constipation)
- Breastfeeding problems
- Adequate motor development
- Post-fall trauma
- Pain during pregnancy
- Digestive discomfort (constipation, gastric reflux, nausea)
- Preparation for childbirth
- Postpartum recovery
- Digestive disorders (constipation, gastric reflux, diarrhea, etc.)
- Respiratory disorders
- Gynaecological disorders (menstrual cycle pain, menopausal discomforts, infertility problems)
- Headaches
- Migraine headaches
- Ear infections
- Sinusitis
- Concussion
- Jaw pain
- Vision problems
- Sports injuries
- Preparing for a sports event
- Back pain (lumbar sprain, herniated disc)
- Neck pain (torticollis, whiplash, herniated disc)
- Joint pain (shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, hip, knee, foot)
- Nervous problems (numbness in upper or lower limb)