Massage therapy is the art of healing through massage.

It is a multitude of bodywork techniques designed to improve health through manual manipulation of soft tissue.

Massage therapy includes kneading, stroking, pressing, shaking and tapping to improve blood circulation, relax muscles and relieve pain. 

Generally, massage therapy is done with the hands, but the use of elbows, knees and feet is also practiced. These maneuvers can be applied to the whole body or to a specific targeted area. 

The therapist can focus first on the skin and muscles, then go deeper to work on tendons, ligaments and fascias or to target specific pressure points.

This facilitates lymphatic circulation, helps eliminate toxins and stimulates the vital functions of the organs.

Another advantage of massage therapy is that it removes emotional memories that have been stored in the body's tissues and organs, so it is common to experience emotional changes during a session.

There are generally five main categories of massage therapy techniques.

North American style:

This technique is based on Western physiological and anatomical principles and integrates the mind-body dimension into these traditional concepts. Examples are Esalen massage, Californian massage, neuromuscular massage and neo-reichian massage.

The European tradition of masso-physiotherapy:

It is based on Western anatomical and physiological principles and soft tissue manipulations. Swedish massage is an example of this.

Oriental Techniques:

This massage technique is based on the principles of traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, such as Ayurvedic massage, Tui na massage, acupressure, Jin Shin Do, reflexology and Shiatsu.

Postural techniques:

These techniques help to reshape the structure of the body through posture and movement rehabilitation, such as Postural Integration, Hellerwork, Trager and Rolfing.

Energy therapies:

These incredible techniques are inspired by ancient healing practices using hand pressure, such as Therapeutic Touch, Polarity and Reiki.

At Physio Summum, we have professional massage therapists with extensive experience and knowledge. We know exactly how to do it.

Therapeutic Swedish massage:

Swedish massage, is the most common massage. Usually performed with oil, it is used to relax the muscles, activate circulation and loosen tense structures through various maneuvers. Using a therapeutic approach, the massage therapist focuses only on the painful area to relax the problematic structures that may cause discomfort. The maneuvers used are deep and have an effect on muscles, fascias, nerves, tendons, joints.