Having a bad back
It is rare to meet a person who has never had back pain.
Indeed, almost everyone gets injured at some point in their life and the back is the most affected and troublesome area. The older we get, the greater the risk of low back pain. Young children seem to have better luck with their backs. Very few have pain.
It is estimated that almost 25% of people suffer from chronic low back pain, i.e. back pain that lasts longer than 3 months. Low back pain can certainly diminish our quality of life. Many suffer from insomnia, anxiety and reduced performance at work.
A back injury can be expensive! Some will opt for epidural injections, facet blocks, spinal fusions and disc replacements. However, these solutions can be invasive and often ineffective.
In the clinic, the most important thing to identify is a red flag. Once this possibility has been ruled out, the physiotherapist can begin treatment without too much concern.
Physiotherapy is a non-invasive, low-risk health care option for patients and is inexpensive. Sessions start with a detailed assessment of the injury/pathology and end with a personalised treatment plan.
If you have back pain that persists, don't hesitate to consult the clinic! In the meantime, try to listen to your body and avoid movements that amplify the pain for a few weeks. Stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs that do not wake you up at night. Anti-inflammatory drugs can slow down the healing process.
If you have any questions, call us!
Physio Summum Brossard.