The contraceptive pill versus sports fractures
More and more, we see young teenage girls and women training in high intensity sports. Many come to physiotherapy with hip and shin pain (stress fractures and even fractures?).
One thing that is often overlooked in the subjective evaluation is asking about nutrition: the quality of the athlete's diet and the birth control pill.
female athlete (bodybuilding)
1) If the diet of these female athletes is not adequate, it is possible that they suffer from RED-s (relative energy deficit syndrome). This syndrome is a problem related to a lack of energy given by the diet compared to the athlete's energy consumption. It could be due to bulimia, social stress, orthorexia (obsession with healthy eating), anorexia, the vegan movement, etc. Objectively, you will see that the athlete has little energy, lacks coordination, muscle strength, endurance, power and focus!
2) The contraceptive pill: This pill is designed to prevent menstruation. However, these pills decrease the formation of bone cells, which increases the risk of fractures. A decrease or absence of menstrual periods can have serious physiological consequences, including a decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the woman's body. Normal estrogen levels are essential for hormone, organ and bone maintenance! Estrogen protects your bones! CONSEQUENCE: If the female athlete's diet is inadequate (low in energy and calcium) and her estrogen level is low, her bones become fragile! Eventually, if she trains too much (overload), she risks developing stress fractures and even severe fractures! Osteoporosis could even be a long-term consequence...
Be careful with medication and diet!
For more information on the subject, contact a health professional,
Good training!
Physio Summum Sainte-Marthe
Reference: PMC6016495, PMC6435214