Why does it hurt? Why does it hurt?
When it comes to pain, you can never be sure of anything.
Originally, the pain is located in the head (or brain). This is not debatable. When the signals to the brain are turned off, the pain disappears. When these signals are reactivated, it reappears.
Yes your pain exists, it is not imaginary! But it is very complex because our brain is very sophisticated! The brain is, without doubt, the pain control center. And it is it that makes us feel this generally unpleasant sensation. Why do we feel it? To protect us.
We now think of pain as a complex and highly sophisticated protective mechanism
Lorimer Moseley
So yes. Pain is complicated. What can people in pain do?
The brain, the pain control center.
Several solutions are currently available to them, including :
The drugs. Medication is prescribed by doctors as a good appetizer for a restaurant. Every year more and more drugs are prescribed to patients. The cocktail naproxen (anti-inflammatory) and cyclobenzaprine (muscle relaxants) is distributed to customers 9 times out of 10.
Acupuncture : Scary needles whose effects remain scientifically mysterious...
Dry needles under the dermis : New toys from the Physiotherapists. The explanation given to patients is different than acupuncture...Yet, the level of evidence from available studies remains low.
Osteopathy : Gentle manual therapy...Osteopaths claim to be able to reposition organs via the visceral fascia. Huh? (chuckles)
Chiropractors : There are still chiros who are convinced that they are able to replace a displaced vertebra. (A vertebra, in general, does not move).
The exercises have a positive effect on pain. Science has studied the effects of exercise extensively over the past decade. Motion is lotion, right? However, is there really a difference between one exercise and another? What is the best exercise? What is the optimal way to progress an exercise program? Definitely, more research is needed.
What we know now... pain is complex. It requires a personalized approach that encompasses many different facets.
-How to describe pain with our patients
-Why doesn't pain always reflect a damaged structure
- What is the role of pain and why it is sometimes wrong
-individual context of pain
-the Biopsychosocial model
-The Negative Effect of Imagery
-The need to move to control pain
I mean, come on,
Not everything works out with everyone. But some work for someone.
Physio Summum
See you next time!